Business & mindset lessons from 4 months traveling

podcast episodes
Business & mindset lessons from 4 months traveling


Business & mindset lessons from 4 months traveling

Last year, I took my family to Europe for four months - hubby, three children, and my mom - and it was intense and magical in lots of ways. 

We were so lucky to spend time in the UK, seeing Mark’s family and traveling to places like Paris, Barcelona, and Lapland - I hope it was an unforgettable trip for the kids.

I tried not to work much on the trip, but so many experiences stood out while we were overseas I just knew I had to share them in a podcast episode.

So today, I’m diving into the business, marketing, and mindset lessons I got from my Europe trip. Listen now to learn about:

  • Marketing lessons from Disneyland and how I apply them in my business
  • After-sales tips to surprise and delight your customers
  • Lessons in humility, consistency, and connection from a magic show
  • What I learned from meeting Santa and Mrs Claus in Lapland.

I’d love to know what ideas this episode sparks or if you have any big lessons from traveling.

What good or bad experience has made you change something in your business? 

Message me @denisedt and let me know. 

xx Denise

P.S. For more on why I love Disneyland and how the “Mickey Mouse” principle is key to how I show up in my business, check out this early Chill and Prosper episode on being the Mickey Mouse in your business: Listen here

2024 Live Course Starting Soon

I’m excited to let you know that I have something coming soon that will help you grow your business.⁠

I know how hard it can be to find a mentor who understands your business.⁠ Most business gurus teach what they know.⁠ But ultimately, what works for them doesn’t automatically work for you.⁠ So if you’re following cookie-cutter advice, it can lead to frustration or burnout.⁠

Personally, I’ve wasted thousands of dollars following business advice that just didn’t feel authentic to me.⁠ My million-dollar lesson is that you have to build your business around your money personality - and have the courage to do business on your terms.⁠

I’m about to open up my once-a-year business course, where I teach you how to leverage your strengths and make more money using Money Archetypes.⁠  I’ll show you how to design your business, create marketing, passive income, grow a team, and more - by doubling down on your strengths and learning to avoid your challenges.⁠


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