Creating Money Miracles

interviews & press
Creating Money Miracles

Hi there

I recently sat down with Natalie MacNeil to talk about creating money miracles.  In this nothing-held-back interview, we get into the real reason so many women struggle to make and keep their hard-earned cash, and some priceless tips and tricks to help you create money miracles in your own life every. single. day.

Episode Highlights

  • [1:15] What it really means to be a “lucky bitch”, and why Denise chose that as the cornerstone of her brand
  • [3:20] What Denise’s personal “self sabotage” mindset is, and how she tackles it
  • [5:11] The 5 steps to real money flow (and what “money flow” really means)
  • [9:12] One daily exercise that will help you track every penny that goes in and out of your account, build your appreciation for your cash flow, and help you create money miracles

Live Q&A with Denise DT

Stop your money sabotages and FINALLY start playing to your strengths. ⁣ ⁣

In this live workshop, you’ll discover how to design your business to flow perfectly for your personality and make more money. ⁣ ⁣

No more cookie-cutter plans, generic coaching or hustle and grind. ⁣ ⁣

Here are the details: ⁣ ⁣

More money and freedom by leveraging the strengths of your Money Archetype. ⁣ ⁣

Thursday 16 May 2024 ⁣


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