Bad clients, bad debts and more of your questions

podcast episodes
Bad clients, bad debts and more of your questions


Bad clients, bad debts and more of your questions

Thank you for sending in so many fascinating questions for the podcast.

Answering your questions (and being of service) is my favorite thing, so I hope you enjoy today’s new AMA episode. 

Listen along now for my take on:

  • How do I follow up old money? How do I know if it’s just better to let it go?
  • How to break up with awful clients
  • Putting your business on auto-pilot so you can take a break
  • Balancing business and chronic illness
  • Finding role models that align with your goals 

Remember, bad clients are a rite of passage. 

It’s very rare for me to meet an entrepreneur who hasn’t had at least one bad experience, so this episode will help you recognize them, let them go, and move on. 

I’d love to hear which answer you found most useful from this episode and what you wish I would answer.

xx Denise

P.S. I’ve got a great little ebook to help you with awkward money conversations and bad clients, including scripts and real-world tips. 

Click here to download your free copy of “Awkward Money Conversations Made Easy”

Get my Ultimate Guide to Pricing 

I've put all my pricing tips, strategies, and SCRIPTS together in my Ultimate Pricing Guide, you can download it for free!


Stop playing small and sabotaging your business

Bad clients, bad debts and more of your questions

How I create my podcast and content ideas