How Money Archetypes helped almost 10x my launch (part 1)

podcast episodes sacred money archetypes
How Money Archetypes helped almost 10x my launch (part 1)


How Money Archetypes helped almost 10x my launch (Part 1)

After another disappointing launch, I was frustrated and confused.

I realized my business course just wasn’t resonating as I had hoped and something had to change.

So I decided to do something completely different.

I had been a certified Sacred Money Archetypes® coach for years, but it wasn’t until last year that I finally applied the SMA framework to my own launch.

I took a deep breath and threw my heart and soul into the launch, creating a campaign that spoke to the eight individual archetypes.

I relaunched my SMA business course, but it was more like eight launches in one.

It felt like a huge risk, but I believed it was worth it.

And it was – the results were astonishing.

We had almost ten times the sales compared to my previous launches, all because I finally understood my audience and communicated the message clearly.

I learned that to truly connect with people; you have to speak their language and understand their dreams and pain points.

This week’s podcast is part one of a tell-all debrief of my most fun and complex launch ever. 

Plus, I’ll reveal more about the stats and results from my $1m+ campaign.


xx Denise

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2024 Live Course Starting Soon

I’m excited to let you know that I have something coming soon that will help you grow your business.⁠

I know how hard it can be to find a mentor who understands your business.⁠ Most business gurus teach what they know.⁠ But ultimately, what works for them doesn’t automatically work for you.⁠ So if you’re following cookie-cutter advice, it can lead to frustration or burnout.⁠

Personally, I’ve wasted thousands of dollars following business advice that just didn’t feel authentic to me.⁠ My million-dollar lesson is that you have to build your business around your money personality - and have the courage to do business on your terms.⁠

I’m about to open up my once-a-year business course, where I teach you how to leverage your strengths and make more money using Money Archetypes.⁠  I’ll show you how to design your business, create marketing, passive income, grow a team, and more - by doubling down on your strengths and learning to avoid your challenges.⁠


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