My 2025 goals and how to set yours

podcast episodes
My 2025 goals and how to set yours


My 2025 goals and how to set yours

Can you believe we’re already about 14% into 2025? If you’re like me, you might just be starting to clarify your goals for the year. But don’t worry—there’s no better time than now to set your intentions!

If you’ve felt a bit skeptical in recent years or have strayed from the basics of the Law of Attraction, it’s time to reconnect and establish a powerful intention for 2025.

Today, I want to share some of my goals for this year along with some tips to help you determine what you want to manifest.

And, I can’t miss this opportunity to remind you about this month’s intake for Money Bootcamp! I have a special offer to make Bootcamp more affordable and accessible, and I would love for you to join us.

If you know you have money blocks to shift and goals to hit this year, I can help make it happen - click here to find out more and join. 

In today’s episode, we’ll explore:

  • Tim Ferris’ dreamcasting method to determine the cost of your goals
  • Setting goals in all areas of your life for balance and prosperity
  • Going beyond dream boards for advanced manifesting
  • Giving yourself permission to dream and be creative 
  • Getting specific with your goals and how to prioritise

 Remember, it’s common to feel apprehensive about goal-setting, especially when you start thinking about the “how.” The specifics will come together later—your main focus right now is to dream. And dreaming is free!

Give yourself permission to envision your future; I know you can create incredible things this year.

It’s your time and you’re ready for the next step. 

xx Denise

P.S. Setting goals can sometimes bring up fears and blocks. This is completely normal, so don’t let it derail you. My best advice is to find a supportive community where you can share your dreams and discuss money freely.

Such places can be rare, but they do exist. Our Money Bootcamp is the perfect environment for making significant shifts in your mindset, goals, and confidence.

Make this the month you become a Bootcamper, and let’s make it a fantastic year together!

Upgrade your money mindset, revolutionize your business and earn what you deserve! 

Now open: Special offer to join Money Bootcamp, the leading money mindset training and community for entrepreneurs like you. Get mentoring and live coaching with me to clear your money blocks and take your business to new heights.


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My 2025 goals and how to set yours

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