Two steps to making money online

podcast episodes
 Two steps to making money online


Two steps to making money online

When things get busy, it’s sometimes easy to forget that being in business is about making money. 

So here is your reminder to get into the money-making mentality this week. 

Because sometimes we forget. Social media is fantastic, and engaging content is important, but we’re here to help people by serving them and making money in the process. Otherwise, we’ve just got a hobby.  

So, I invite you to look again at your business with fresh eyes: Am I giving people the opportunity to buy from me? Is it easy to buy from me? How can I make my marketing more streamlined and effective? 

And ultimately, how can I make more money? 

Yes, the economy is tighter, and you may have more competition or less engagement, but there are still ways to tell more people what you do and make more money. 

Listen to today’s podcast to learn how your marketing can make a difference in growing your income faster, including: 

  • How to keep your marketing fresh and simple
  • Ways to improve your website so it’s easy for people to buy from you
  • The two-step process that has made me millions of dollars 
  • How to share what you know with authenticity 
  • The none-slimy ways to make offers and generate leads and sales

I’m sharing what I know works in today’s podcast, and here’s how I can role-model making an offer for you. 


  It’s your time and you’re ready for the next step. 

xx Denise

2024 Live Course Starting Soon

I’m excited to let you know that I have something coming soon that will help you grow your business.⁠

I know how hard it can be to find a mentor who understands your business.⁠ Most business gurus teach what they know.⁠ But ultimately, what works for them doesn’t automatically work for you.⁠ So if you’re following cookie-cutter advice, it can lead to frustration or burnout.⁠

Personally, I’ve wasted thousands of dollars following business advice that just didn’t feel authentic to me.⁠ My million-dollar lesson is that you have to build your business around your money personality - and have the courage to do business on your terms.⁠

I’m about to open up my once-a-year business course, where I teach you how to leverage your strengths and make more money using Money Archetypes.⁠  I’ll show you how to design your business, create marketing, passive income, grow a team, and more - by doubling down on your strengths and learning to avoid your challenges.⁠


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